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Welcome to our company, a top-tier consulting firm that specializes in marketing and strategic planning for manufacturing, services, and retail businesses. Our mission is to provide our local and global clients with custom solutions that are tailored to their specific needs and challenges, in order to help them achieve their business goals and thrive in today's dynamic and competitive market.

At our company, we believe that the key to success is not just in developing great strategies, but in executing them flawlessly. That's why we work closely with our clients to ensure that our solutions are not just effective on paper, but also in the real world. We take a hands-on approach to consulting, and we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver tangible and measurable results that make a real difference to our clients' bottom line and future growth. 

Since 1993, our team of experts has a proven track record of success, and we have helped many businesses of all sizes to increase their market share, improve their management structures, and expand their products and services. We know that every business is unique, and that's why we don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we take the time to understand each client's unique needs and challenges, and we develop customized solutions that are tailored to their specific situation.

Our motto is "Solutions with a Difference," and we believe that this sets us apart from our competitors. We are not just another consulting firm that offers generic advice and cookie-cutter solutions. Instead, we provide our clients with innovative and creative solutions that are customized to their needs and designed to deliver real, measurable results.

If you're looking for a consulting firm that can help you take your business to the future, you found it. 

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your business goals and experience the difference that our solutions can make.


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Branding & Positioning Analysis

With years of experience, our staff has the capabilities and expertise to take your business to the next level. At World One International, we combine our insights and skills to transform your processes and strategies, and in turn, your company. We’re proud to help shape and improve how our clients structure and manage their business.


Introductory Consultation

Looking to develop your business but not sure where to turn? Need help planning or executing your next project? Let us guide you. Any organization can move forward with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking bold chances and making insightful decisions.

Business Meeting

Strategic and Market Planning Session

We examine what organizations are doing to stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world, and which ones are doing it best. We then strategize using smart tools and global resources in order to understand the implications of every choice our clients can make. Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.

Business Meeting

Management Restructuring

We examine what organizations are doing to stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world, and which ones are doing it best. We then strategize using smart tools and global resources in order to understand the implications of every choice our clients can make. Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.


Our Case Studies do the Talking

Our Reputation Speaks for Itself

Home: Case Studies

Retail Clients

I am thrilled to share with you the success story of our consulting firm, which recently partnered with a high-ticket sales company to achieve unprecedented growth and success. Our motto is "solutions with a difference," and this project truly exemplified that.

This sales company was a small local business struggling to make a name for itself in a highly competitive industry. However, with our guidance and expertise, we were able to help them automate their processes, restructure their operations, implement new sales tactics, and create effective sales incentive programs. Our approach was customized to the company's unique needs and pain points, and we worked closely with their sales team to ensure a seamless transition.

The results were truly remarkable. Sales increased 5 fold, and the client base grew 10 fold. The company achieved recognition as the leader in its industry, thanks to our innovative approach and commitment to excellence. Furthermore, we were able to help the company solve many of the problems faced by their consumers, further cementing their position as a leader in the industry.

We are incredibly proud of this project and the impact it has had on our client's success. Our consulting firm is dedicated to providing solutions that truly make a difference, and this project is a testament to that commitment.

We invite you to learn more about our consulting firm and how we can help your business achieve similar success. Together, we can create a tailored plan to help you reach your goals and become a leader in your industry.


Lawrence Vein



Manufacturing Clients

We are looking to share with you a success story that demonstrates how our consulting firm helped a struggling manufacturing company in the produce industry achieve unprecedented levels of success.

The manufacturing company approached us with a major challenge: it was losing money every month and was on the brink of collapse. We immediately got to work, conducting a thorough analysis of their operations, physical plant, product flow,  employee training programs and a complete overhaul of the marketing and sales division. 

We quickly identified key areas where improvements could be made, including restructuring the physical plant for efficiency and food safety, reworking the product flow through the plant, and implementing automated training programs. Additionally, we recommended employee incentives and retention strategies to encourage long-term loyalty and maximize efficiency.

We also helped the company re-position the marketing and sales division and expanded their product offerings from local markets to national distribution, which proved to be a game-changer. By attending various trade shows and industry events, they were able to identify new areas of opportunity for the product line. And further leveraging of their unique strengths and capabilities, the company became the national market leader via a specific food product. The success of this re-positioning not only helped the client increase their market share but also helped to establish them as a trusted name in the industry.

Thanks to our team's expertise and guidance, the manufacturing company was able to cut costs on procuring product and achieve immediate cash flow positivity. Through repostioning In fact, our changes were so successful that the company returned investors' investment in just one and a half years.

Furthermore, the company received one of the highest third-party ratings for quality assurance, which helped them gain recognition as the regional manufacturer by national clients.

We are proud to have been a part of this incredible success story, and we believe it speaks to the value of our consulting services. Our team of experts has the skills and knowledge necessary to help businesses overcome challenges, achieve their goals, and reach new heights of success.

We would be honored to work with you and your organization, and we invite you to reach out to us to discuss how we can help you achieve your business objectives.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


World One International 


Services / 501c3 Non-profit Organizations 

In the world of non-profit organizations, financial struggles are all too common. It's not uncommon for a non-profit to fall on hard times, but it takes a true commitment to turn things around. This is where our consulting firm stepped in to help a non-profit 501c3 corporation near insolvency restructure its operations and executive board along with corporate outreach to achieve financial success while expanding its services to its client and donor market.

At the onset of the project, the non-profit was struggling to stay afloat. Their current operations were inefficient, and the organization was not able to attract enough donors to fund their services. The executive board was disorganized, and morale was low. We knew that this would be a tough challenge, but we were up for it.

The first thing we did was to streamline the organization's operations. We created software programs that made the organization more efficient, saving them valuable time and money. This helped them to serve their clients better while reducing their expenses. We also helped them to attract global leaders from business and government to speak at international conventions. This gave them the credibility they needed to attract more donors and supporters.

In addition, we worked with the executive board to restructure their operations. We helped them to identify areas where they could cut costs and improve efficiency. We also helped them to attract new board members with the skills and expertise needed to take the organization to the next level. With a stronger board in place, the organization was able to attract more donors and supporters.

As a result of these efforts, the non-profit was able to expand its services to its client and donor market. They were able to attract new members and make the first profits in years, securing their financial success. Over time, their member base grew by 30 times the original, demonstrating the success of our efforts.

The story of this non-profit is a testament to the power of strong leadership and strategic consulting. With the right guidance and support, any non-profit can overcome financial struggles and achieve financial success while expanding their services to their clients and donors. We hope this success story serves as an inspiration to other non-profits looking to turn things around and make a positive impact in the world

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9663 Santa Monica Blvd. 1154 Beverly Hills, CA 90210


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